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Wandana Preschool Philosophy Statement


Empowering our community to flourish in their relationships and learning


Our Preschool to Year-6 values of Belonging, Respect and Learning are at the core of our philosophy; they guide us in all that we do.


Preschool Philosophy

Wandana Pre-school is welcoming of all children and their families where individual learning needs and cultural backgrounds, and experiences are recognised, encouraged, supported and celebrated.  Our rich diversity makes us unique and provides endless opportunities for learning, connection, and mutual understanding.

Working in partnership with families is important for children’s leaning and development. At Wandana we value and recognise families as children's first teachers, and aim to build on the learning each child has experienced within their family.

We make meaningful connections with our aboriginal families and community members to support children’s learning identity and belonging.

We encourage a sense of group identity and belonging by building nurturing and trusting relationships with each child.  We support the development of their social skills with each other in a positive and respectful manner, enabling them to make decisions and consider fairness, empathy and compassion.

We empower children to develop as independent learners by working alongside of them; together we co-construct theories and allow for discovery and wonderings. We foster learning through a multiple range of open-ended hands-on play experiences that invites imagination, collaboration, possibility and challenge.

We are advocates for the benefits of Nature Play; we gain inspiration from nature play theories believing that children's learning occurs as much in the outdoor environment as it does indoors.

We offer a quality pre-school program which is underpinned and guided by The National Early Years Learning Framework, National Quality Standards and the Department for Education Early Learning strategy.

Revised 22nd November 2024