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How To Enrol

Enrolment at Wandana Preschool to Year 6

  1. Make an appointment with the Principal
  2. Show proof of the child’s birth age – eg birth certificate, passport or official Centrelink documentation stating the child’s name and birth date
  3. Show proof of residence
  4. Complete and lodge an application to enrol form – the Principal can help you with the form and answer any questions.

Starting Preschool and School

If your child turns four efore May 1, they will start on the first day of Term One in that year.

If your child's birthday is on or after May 1, they will start on the first day of Term One the following year.

You May Also Need

You may be asked about:

  • your child’s interests
  • emergency contact numbers
  • custody issues
  • immunisation records, medical information and health care needs
  • friends already attending the school or starting at the same time.

The information you give about your child and family is kept confidential and used when necessary in the best interests of your child.

Fees and Materials Charges

A materials and services charge is set each year. This fee covers the cost of books, computer technology and other essential items and services used by students during the course of their study.

Financial assistance, including the School Card, is available to help eligible families with the materials and services charge.